
Category: Scripting/Tooling

Rhinoceros and Ansys

Rhinoceros and Ansys

With reference to an article on the IAACBlog (now removed), I replied to the author request: “I was forced to use the workbench environment because i ...

Survival or Evolution, what’s the goal?

Survival or Evolution, what’s the goal?

“Manuale sulle reti neurali” is the first book I ever read on Genetic Algorithms. You can find below some initial thoughts, in Italian, which ...

Form-finding or form-improvement?

Form-finding or form-improvement?

Questo dilemma nasce dalla sperimentazione di algoritmi genetici per l’ottimizzazione strutturale di forme libere e gusci. Essendo configurazioni spaziali resistenti per forma non è possibile, per questioni tipologiche, scindere la forma ...